Sara Sparks BFA
Professional Artist with over forty years experience

The Bootlegger's Horse
The Bootlegger's Horse
Ghost is an intelligent horse, capable of making decisions and thinking on his own. His best friend, Trail, is a bootlegger who makes a little extra cash with the 'side business' of selling moonshine. Trail lives with his wife Hettie and their good friends, Cake and Buttons, live nearby. They are happy people with simple but good lives. However, when a jealous competitor, Kip Allison, approaches Officer Halford Ignatious Edwards, a course of events follows that brings change for everyone and as George, the owner of Harvard's General Store, points out, "You never know which way the wind is going to blow.
Reader's Reviews
Reader's Reviews
David Blaikie Ottawa Ont.
Sara: I sat down this afternoon and read your whole book straight through. I loved it. What a great story, so warm and comforting to read. I loved the focus on the horses and the way you included them
as such full sentient beings along with all the human characters in the tale. As for the art work, it's just amazing, so warm and inviting, and appealing. My eyes lingered on the sketches from the beginning to end. I almost wanted to reach out and pat the horses as I turned the pages. It's a lovely and heartwarming story with a happy ending.
Becky Horton in PEI
Hi Sara, Just wanted to tell you that I read Ghost from cover to cover last night and I loved it !! Previously I had just scanned it and looked at the drawings ! It is a sweet, old fashioned and inspiring story and I can't wait till my 9 yr old grandson in Calgary can read it and i hope all the little great grand kids will someday enjoy it too!! You've done a great job.
Sheri Larson Pennfield NB
I read Ghost The Bootlegger's Horse! .… I really enjoyed it! I know it's a children's book, but I very much enjoyed it from an adults view. (My daughter is still young and won't keep still long enough to have let me read it to her. So, I read it myself) I love it! I felt like I was right there in the story. You have a great talent for description; mood. It gave me the feeling of Little House on the Prairie. I kept thinking of the Country Market in St.George, also about your Uncle Dan's home, and your love for animals. If only things were still that way. Such a good feeling kind of book and with a happy ending. Everyone found their calling. Good people having good things happen, helping each other out and even the not so great guy finally finding some peace. You really have a way of putting words together. Had a lovely flow, easy to follow and completely interesting. I had about 8 pages left to read, and just finished them tonight, after having to stick a bookmark in this afternoon. First Place Award, well deserved!
I'm hungry at this point, thinking about all the foods you described.
Oh and of course no better person to create the illustrations. Beautifully done!.

About The Author
About The Author
Sara Sparks was born in Saint John, NB and graduated with a BFA from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. She is a productive artist, writer and has a greeting card line "Sparklestein Designs"
Ghost, The Bootlegger's Horse', is her first book. The inspiration for it came from one of her paintings by the same name and is featured on the cover. She lives with her animal companions in St. George, NB
This book is intended for readers aged eight to thirteen. Cost is $15 +15%tx per book and $5 for shipping in Canada. Outside of Canada, additional charges may apply. To order, click on contact to send an email